Category: Influencer Marketing

The Transformative Shift in Influencer Marketing: Micro-Influencers, Authenticity, and Success.

In the dynamic realm of influencer marketing, a transformative shift is reshaping the landscape. The days of relying solely on celebrity endorsements are fading, and a new era is dawning—one characterized by micro-influencers, the supremacy of authentic content, and values-driven partnerships. This evolution offers the promise of a more authentic and precise approach, establishing profound […]

Decline of Influencer Marketing in India for D2C brands?

Introduction You must have seen your favourite Instagram influencer in an ad for a perfume brand. It is because D2C firms, short form for Direct-to-Consumer, have lately featured influencers in their marketing campaigns. It extends their reach to the target audience effectively. However, there seems to be a shock wave coming around. Statistics disclose a […]

Zomato Marketing Strategy: A Case Study on Top 7 Marketing Trends 

How often have you avoided getting off your cosy bed to make yourself a meal? You probably called it a day, and Zomato-ed your way out. Zomato has taken the foodie world by storm with its innovative marketing strategy that satisfies appetite and serves up trends! In FY 2016-21, Zomato grew at a 62% revenue […]

3 Steps to Start Your Own Influencer Marketing Agency and earn money online 

With the rise of Influencer Marketing, a lot of brands are looking to sign up Influencers. In this time one can start and successfully scale their own influencer marketing agency in a few simple steps!  3 steps to starting your own Influencer Marketing Agency  Find Influencers & Get their Rates  For an Influencer Marketing Agency, […]

How To Increase and Improve Influencer Marketing Conversion Rate?

Influencer Marketing Conversion Rate would depend a lot on your industry, pricing and user journey flow. The highest impact though would be the influencer’s integration in their post or video. It would depend on how well they are calling out the problem and placing the brand as a solution. Apart from this the website user […]

Ideal Customer Acquisition Strategy for an Online Business 

Today a lot of direct to consumers (D2C) businesses are emerging as online sales are increasing. It is projected that ecommerce sales will increase by 16% in the USA in 2022.[1]  Work from home has given this industry a huge increase and offline retailers have also started seeing the benefits of moving online. Due to […]

Commonly Used Influencer Marketing Terms 

This article will cover all the commonly used terms in Influencer Marketing. This is helpful for brands who are new to influencer marketing and for upcoming influencers.  Read more about the ideal influencer marketing strategy here Influencer Marketing KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)  Impressions: Impressions refer to the number of times the content has been displayed […]

Ideal Influencer Marketing Strategy for a D2C Business 

Influencer Marketing is a great way to build credibility and trust for new upcoming D2C brands. With the right Influencer Marketing Strategy, one might see a boost in all the important metrics of the brand. However, influencer marketing can also deliver ROI less than 1 if not planned or implemented well.   Overview of the Influencer […]

Influencer Marketing: Pros and Cons | Is It Suitable For Your Business?

Be it Youtube, Instagram, snapchat, tiktok or Facebook, these days a lot of brands are leveraging these platforms; and lots of people are getting aware of the term “influencer marketing” so let’s understand what it is exactly and if it is the correct strategy for your In this article we will go over the following […]